Saturday, January 22, 2011

Playing Mommy...

So, I’m still playing mommy while my parents are in Mexico for the week. This week every year (since their trip is annual) makes me realize how hard moms with full time jobs and children have it. I’ve been getting two to three hours less sleep, tempted to stop off at fast food because it’s the easy thing to do, and constantly busy playing taxi! I will say I have been able to feed Jenna and Tanner home cooked meals each night which makes me really happy! : )
Thursday was floor press day for the “games programming.” I completed three sets, 5 reps @ 30.5k, 5 reps at 36k, and 17 reps at 40k. I’m thinking that the next cycle I need to increase my training max, that last set should have a been a little more difficult. The WOD was 5 rounds of :30 DB thrusters (25#), :30 rest, :30 K2E (knees to elbows), :30 rest, :30 row, :30 rest. I only ended up getting 127 reps, which was WAY lower than all of the other ladies scores. I realized that my K2E are upper slow, after class Jennie showed me how to kip properly – hopefully they’ll come up in a WOD again soon and I can use my new technique!

Once a month my school has a day they declare as “Pig Out.” On that day three teams of teachers plan this elaborate “buffet” of food for the entire staff. Typically I deem these days as my cheat days and just gorge on the yummy goodness. But, I was successful this Friday; I stayed clear of the Pig Out and just ate my tasty rib-eye for lunch! 

I had to hit up the 4pm class on Friday since I had plans later that evening to see my sister perform at the CLCHS Talent Show. I worked my front squat for three sets. My first set was at 49k for 5 reps, my second set was 55k for 5 reps, and my last set was at 63k for 7 reps. I was happy with my high elbows, but am still working on being explosive at the bottom of the squat. The WOD was essentially a backward ladder. We had ten minutes to complete 1 deadlift (@65k) and 1 burpee, 2 dealdlifts and 2 burpees, and so on. I took a look at some other ladies numbers on the board and I decided I’d be happy with getting three rounds. I hit the fourth round only two minutes in. I knew this metcon was going to get increasingly more difficult but I changed my goal at that moment to attempt for ten rounds. My deadlifts felt great and my burpees were fluid. The only breaks I’d take were to re-grip the bar on the DL’s and then a few breaths between burpees and DL’s. I ended up with 11+1 rounds. I was extremely happy with my performance…I even think I beat Garth’s score! ; )
Friday was a late night since I had to wait up on my kid sister to get home at cerfew. So waking up at 7am for the Oly lifting class was a little tough this morning. I decided earlier in the week that I really wanted to get a new PR on my clean. So as soon as I got to the fort I started loosening up my legs. I was sharing a bar with Alicia and I think we were just chatting too much because I ended up loading my bar pretty heavy pretty fast! My outlook on it was, oh well, it’ll give me more time to get that PR! So I went ahead and cleaned 55k, which felt effortless. I jumped up to 60k, and really felt the weight at the bottom of my squat. Jennie thought that the 60k looked easy and I need to go ahead and try for that new PR…so I did! I got the bar loaded up, took a few deep breaths and before I knew it my elbows were high and that bar was up at my throat! WAHOO! 62k felt so good that I decided to go ahead and make it a 5k PR by attempting 65k. I psyched myself out a little and didn’t get a great jump – but stuck the 65k clean! My shoulders caved in a little on me and I definitely paused down in my squat, but I stood it up and moved up on the record board, baby! : ) A bunch of us ladies PRd this morning…it was a great morning for Oly lifting! We moved on to the team metcon. We were made up into teams of four, I was teamed up with RTL, Ryan P, and Charlie. The WOD was 4:00 work, 2:00 rest, 3:00 work, 1:30 rest, 2:00 work, 1:00 rest, 1:00 work. Everyone on our team had to either be rowing, box jumping (20”), kettle bell swinging (16#), or wall balling (14#). Our team took the strategy to start at the movement that was our strong suit since we’d spend the most time there, and hopefully would get the most reps possible. I started at KB swings. I was pacing off of Nicole, and after the 49th rep I was hoping she would put her bell down, but to my dismay she continued! I HAD to take a breather. I ended up getting 100 reps for our team, which I felt was a pretty good contribution. Next I moved to the box jumps. I got a total of 91 reps there in 3:00. I was a little disappointed at this station; I should have rocked them a little better. I then hit up the wall balls for 2:00 where I tallied 34 reps. I rowed for the last 1:00 and scored 18 calories. I was happy with my row; I really gave it all I had. Overall, our team didn’t win but I know we all worked our hardest and came out a little more fit! ; )


  1. Your PR was awesome! A little more of a jump and you'll have 70 no problem!

  2. Oh, I hope so. I'm going to go back to my clean next week. Thanks Alicia, maybe with your support 70k is in my future!! : )
    So glad you've been coming on STC -its been a blast having you there!
