
Monday, April 2, 2012

Overdue Update

CrossFit Open Update:  Well, I haven’t written in a while & I've missed blogging about 12.3, 12.4, and 12.5.  Once Saturday morning rolled around and I had seen how a few others did on 12.3 I changed my goal to 5 rounds from the original 7 I had written on March 9th. Kirsten C was a killer counter for me; she really encouraged me and kept me moving when I just wanted to rest. Thanks darlin’! I ended up getting 5 rounds and 5 box jumps. My T2B were slow and I had a tough time finding rhythm on the box. I didn’t make CFF’s top 3 but I was 4th, not too shabby. 12.4 was brutal, a 12:00 AMRAP of: 150 wall balls, 90 double unders & 10 muscle-ups. I was really hoping to get through all of the double-unders and be able to have time to hop up on the rings. However, I knew my Karen time (150 wall balls) was slow, like 10:30 SLOW. I figure even though the double unders should be cake for me I’d be fatigued after all those wall balls & might slow down to those too. I made it through the wall balls in 9:30 (this was a PR for me…as pathetic as it sounds lol), and strung a couple sets of double unders together. When there was a minute left my shoe came untied. About every fifth jump my lace got caught. I didn’t bother to stop and tie it thinking I’d waste time but the clock ran out and I only ended up with 60 double unders. I was VERY disappointed and didn’t deal with my emotions very well. Instead of sucking it up and being happy for everyone else I bolted outta the fort and went home to sulk. I got over it pretty quickly though because I remembered I joined the Open only to help CrossFit Fire qualify and since so many other girls completed 240 reps the gym did ok. 12.5 was a repeat of the final WOD last year, 7:00 3 thrusters, 3 C2B pull-ups, 6 thrusters, 6 C2B pull-ups, 9 thrusters, 9 C2B pull-ups, etc. I did do this work out last year but my back was injured so I only completed a couple reps into the set of 6 and called it quits. I really didn’t have a goal or game plan for this one as it depended on how strong my pull-ups were going to be. I just hoped that I could possibly get into the 15th round. I completed the first 3 rounds of thrusters unbroken & my pull-ups were all in sets of 3. The set of 12 thrusters were tough, I broke it into 6 and 6. The pull-ups really became a struggle at this point. One and two at a time, and I even had a no rep for not making contact with the bar. I made it off the pull-up bar in time to complete one set of 13 thrusters. With 73 reps, I ended up with the 2nd highest score at CFF. I was pretty happy with my performance and how far my C2B pull-ups have come. The 2012 Open is over and I finished 470th overall in the NC Region. CrossFit Fire took 50th and didn’t qualify this year. I was bummed but am ready to start training for 2013!
Disney's Vero Beach Resort
Weight Update: Vacation was hard on me nutritionally. I only WODed twice and managed to stay clean the first 3 days but from there it was all downhill. I’ve managed to put on quite a bit of weight in just a few days and I’m angry at myself because I know it’s going to take so much longer to get it off…but, at least yesterday I took the time to prep meals for the week and I’m ready to get back at it. I’m giving the Whole 30 a try, no more weighing myself, grains, alcohol, added sugar, legumes, or dairy. The 2013 training season has begun and it’s time to dial in my diet and focus on working out. I am excited for this and can’t wait to see the physical changes and gains in the gym! 

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