Monday, March 7, 2011

Record Board, Baby!

I couldn’t believe how quick the weekend flew by, before I knew it it was 6:20am and I was waking up for work on Monday. It was a typical work day followed by some much needed relaxation in the tanning bed! I need to get a base before Spring Break! B ) I headed home and prepared some meat for the week and baked a yummy pumpkin cake. After that I made it to the fort for the 6pm class. We were working our way up to a single rep max on our hang power cleans. I was hoping to get a PR this week but I was stuck at 65k. I just wasn’t feeling strong and my change of direction was really slow. Hopefully next week I’ll get another chance to PR. The metcon was four rounds of 21 KB swings (16), and 12 burpees. I completed the WOD Rxd in 6:07 which was within the goal time of 5-8 minutes. I really wanted to get all four rounds of KB swings unbroken but the last round was segmented 15-6.
I’ve been feeling really tired lately, I hope my energy levels pick back up. I’ve been eating clean now (VERY little sugar and carbohydrates) for the last 16 successive days. I was hoping to see a change in my workouts, weight, or at least my level of energy by now…Regardless I am going to keep it up so I can be a lean mean CrossFitting machine! : ) Oh yeah, and because I want to squeeze into a bikini!
Tuesday’s at the fort have been bringing “mega metcons” so I was a little anxious to find out what Bill had in store for us this week. I had seen on facebook that it was a named WOD. So I texted Jennie hoping she could inform me, and I could start mentally preparing myself. She told me we could choose between Cindy (20:00 AMRAP 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats) or Mary (20:00 AMRAP 5 HSPUs, 10 pistols, 15 pullups). Obviously my choice would be Cindy seeing as though I can’t do handstand pushups. Back in September I did this WOD and only completed 14 rounds, that score landed me the 5th spot on the record board for the girls though. However, when I walked into the 4pm class I saw Rosie had knocked me off. I knew I needed to kill my old PR and make my way up higher on the record board. I was determined to get 16 rounds. 
Dying after Cindy

This meant that my pullups needed to be strong, my squats unbroken and pushups would have to be quick. When given the 3, 2, 1…GO, my pullups were freakishly strong (for me…), push-ups were slow but not dreadful, and most of my squats were done unbroken. I ended up tallying a total of 16 round plus 3 pullups. I was ecstatic with my performance and happy I reached my goal. At the end of class my total was high enough for 2nd on the record board. : ) 
Wednesday was a well deserved rest fort for me!
Thursday we worked heavy front squats again. We were told to bump up our weight from last week so I decided to go with 73k for three sets of three. All of the sets felt difficult but I pushed through the suck. My knees really started to cave in on me especially on the 3rd rep. Next week I'll really focus on pushing them out. The WOD was two parts 21-15-9 of sumo deadlift highpulls (30k) and knees to elbows, then a :90 rest, and finally 21-15-9 box jumps (20") and ball slams (20#). The entire WOD including the rest took me 10:49. My K2E were SUPER slow...still can't figure out the kip & my hands were killing me. But I was really happy with the second part of the WOD, my box jumps and ball slams were unbroken. 

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