Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Official - I'm Certified!

Friday was Jennie’s Birthday! : ) Yay, happy birthday girlfriend! Jennie asked for OHS in the WOD and her wish was granted. The WOD was 2 AMRAPS, one 5:00 of 5 OHS (35k) and 5 push presses (35k), 2:30 rest, and 2:30 10 pullups, and 10 burpees. I was able to complete 5 rounds and 5 OHS in the first round. I was really happy with that score. All of my movements were unbroken which was my goal going into the WOD. The second AMRAP I completed 2 rounds. My pullups were pretty slow and I had a hard time stringing them together. But I busted my butt through the burpees to make up for lost time. Before the WOD we worked on the push press. We completed three sets of three. I worked at 40k-45k-50k. I was happy with the final set because last week my 3 rep max was 45k. In the last set Bill and I noticed my knees were tracking a little too far forward so next week I will focus on staying back and driving through my heels.
When I got home from the fort Zach had surprised me by going grocery shopping and preparing meals for me for the weekend. This was super helpful because I was going to be spending the weekend downtown at Atlas CrossFit getting my level one certification. The cert ran from 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday. I learned so much from each and every one of the coaches at the cert and am thankful for such a wonderful experience. After a long first day of demonstrations, lectures, and breakout sessions we concluded the day with a WOD, ‘Fran’ (21-15-9, thrusters @ 65# & pull-ups). I was pretty wrecked from the current week’s WODs and wasn’t really feeling up to tackling Fran at max effort. I gave it about 80% and finished it in 8:20. This was :36 more than my PR (7:46). I felt worn out but glad I sucked it up and completed the WOD rxd. Sunday was a stressful day because the cert ended with a 50 question multiple choice test. You had to get a 78% on this test to pass and be award your level one certificate. I knew I had prepared as much as I could and felt confident, but nervous going into the test. I flew through the questions in just 15 minutes, which worried me, so I went back and double checked ALL of my answers. Once I felt completely confident with my selections I turned in my test and…WAITED. We had to wait about a half hour before we received our results…I think that was the most anxious thirty minutes of my life. Finally, Todd (our head coach) walked out with our folders and we got to find out our results. I found my name and pulled out my folder, part of a certificate was sticking out…I PASSED! Yay : ) 
All 64 CrossFitters & cert instructors after Fran
my weekend had been made and I was so excited. This means I am now qualified to be a CrossFit coach! Wahoo! I can’t wait to take the next step at becoming a coach at CrossFit Fire. : ) 

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