Friday, April 22, 2011


I love Saturday’s. It meant that it was that time again…OPEN WOD #3 was this week. 11.3 was a 5:00 AMRAP of squat clean & jerks at 50k for the ladies. I was really hoping to get an even twenty rounds. My goal going into the WOD was to keep a steady pace of 2 c&j’s every 30 seconds. Somewhere around minute 3 I lost count of my rests and just got back on the bar as fast as my body would allow. I gutted through the SUCK of this WOD and come out with 19 + 1 clean. I was able to help out the CFF team again this week by having the 3rd best score at the Fort. : )

I went into the Fort on Monday and we worked on snatch grip behind the neck push press for strength. The rep scheme was 3 sets of 5 and 3 sets of 3. I worked at 30-34-38-43-47-50k. I felt pretty strong with this movement, but really need to work on my bar path, it ends too far out in front. The metcon today was a little rough as I was feeling QUITE sore still from 11.3. It was a 10:00 AMRAP of 10 deadlifts at body weight, so 75k & 10 dumbbell push press  at 50% bodyweight, but I went with the 30#. I only got 5+1 rounds. I was moving VERY slow and could really feel my body’s fatigue.
I woke up SUPER sore Tuesday, which I couldn’t believe. I was hoping heading to the Fort and getting my body to move around would help ease the tightness.  The strength was the snatch. We were working our way up to a single rep max. I started with sets of 3 at 31-35-38. I then worked at single reps at 42-46 and the attempted 50 twice but failed. Fifty is my PR…I’m hoping that these failures were just due to fatigue and not due to a decrease in strength. The WOD was three 3:00 rounds for max reps pull-ups of: 20 burpees, 400m run, max pull-ups, 1:30 rest. I scaled to option A (which cut back the number of burpees to 16 a round) since I wasn’t feeling 100% (plus my burpees AND runs are quite slow…). The first round I was able to get in 2 pull-ups. The second round I came in from the run and I was already in to 5 seconds of my rest time. : (The third round I scaled to B (12 burpees and a 200m run) and was able to come in and get 10 pull-ups. This made my total score for the WOD 12. Kinda sad…not a fan of this WOD. 

I took Wednesday and Thursday off as I wasn’t feeling so hot. I went to the Dr. and he informed me I have fluid in my right ear. I have felt a touch off balance, hard of hearing, and had a headache for a while so that explained the symptoms. I knew I needed to get in a light WOD before giving 11.4 a go on Saturday though; so I headed to the Fort on Friday. I worked on some muscle up progressions and then did a short little metcon: 3:00 row (44 cals), 1:30 rest, 2:00 of bar facing burpees (20).  This gave me a taste of how the burpees were going to feel in the morning…and BOY were they SLOW! After class I toyed around on the rings attempting to get my first muscle up. With this being my first time ever on the high rings I doubted it would happen but wanted to give it a try. Bill was VERY helpful and walked me through a few KEY movements I needed to master in order to have a successful muscle up. Unfortunately I didn't have a cohesive flow to get my body up over the rings. But, for my first time on the rings I was pretty proud of my efforts. I see a muscle up in my near future if I keep working! : )

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