Friday, April 22, 2011

Open WOD #4

Saturday…time to tackle the Open WOD 11.4. The WOD was a 10:00 AMRAP of 60 bar facing burpees, 30 OHS (40k), and 10 muscle ups. When I first found out about the metcon I laughed…and thought – muscle ups? Really? C’mon HQ…help a girl out here & gimmie a movement I can at least do! But I also thought, hey…kinda cool that I can hopefully try for my VERY first muscle up. The morning was VERY rushed as I had to get my brother to the high school for baseball practice and then be back in just a couple of hours to pick him up again. That meant I needed to get to the Fort right away, warm up and prepare for the WOD. I was the first athlete to start the WOD. Jennie was counting for me and she helped me keep moving. My burpees were PAINFULLY SLOW after the 2nd minute. I’m pretty sure it took me 6:20 just finish all 60. By the time I got to the bar for the OHS my shoulders were trashed. I could barely snatch the bar overhead. I really had a hard time keeping my shoulders activated and balanced. Four reps were the most I ever even strung together. As the clock counted down getting closer and closer to 10:00 my body just weakened. I struggled to get the bar up over head, but managed to squeeze out a few more reps. I ended with a total of 74 reps. I was really hoping to get all 30 OHS but I wasn’t anticipating the extreme fatigue that was going to set in. I was sorely disappointed in my score, but not my efforts. I really gave it all I had. Stability just was not on my side today. : (
I was still pretty sore on Monday but knew I still needed to get in a good workout; even if I needed to scale the WOD today. The metcon was 3 rounds for time of: 350m row, 25 kettlebell swings (16), 10 handstand push-ups (blue/blue). My rows were pretty quick and the kettle bell swings were unbroken except the last round, 15-10 (my hands were slippery). The handstand pushups were what slowed me down. I went down in bands (I usually use green/green) and it was a significant difference and was quite difficult for me. Overall, I was happy I challenged myself though. The only way I’ll get stronger at HSPU’s is if I keep challenging my upper body strength. I completed this WOD in 13:26. Before the metcon we worked behind the neck snatch grip push presses again. We worked up to a single rep max. I topped out at 55k, but only because we ran out of time. I think I have a little more in me…we’ll see in a few weeks! : )
Tuesday’s strength was the snatch. We were working our way up to a single rep max. I worked at 31-35-38-42-46 and ended at 50k. I failed 50k 3 times again this week. I’m getting the bar overhead, but when I’m at the bottom of my squat I lose my balance because the bar is too far out in front. Ugh, the same issues with all of my overhead movements right now…strange! The WOD was 5 rounds: 1:00 to complete 20 wall ball shots1:00 to complete 15 pull-ups.  I initially wanted to scale because I knew my pull-ups are slow and I might not complete all of them in the allotted time. But Bill informed me that if I ran out of time during the WOD I could just make them up after. So I went ahead and attempted the WOD as Rxd. The first
round I was able to complete the prescribed reps. The second round I didn't get all the pull-ups in. Then progressively the last 3 rounds became VERY difficult to complete. I ended up having to “make up” 10 wall ball shots, and 18 pull-ups.  While I was making up my pull-ups after class I tore my hand open pretty badly. I hope it heals before Saturday!
Thursday’s strength was the shoulder press. We worked up to a single rep max, which I was excited for because I was looking for a new PR. I warmed up with 31-35-37-40. I topped out at 42k. It was a struggle to get up, but I was happy it finally got overhead and locked out because it was a 2k PR! The WOD was a 5:00 AMRAP of 5 power cleans (45k), 10 T2B, and 15 wall balls (14), 5:00 rest, 5:00 AMRAP of 5 box jumps (24”), 10 kettle bell swings, and 15 ball slams (20#). The first half of the WOD greatly resembles 11.5. So this will be a nice little taste of what we’ll encounter on Saturday morning. Because my hand is still tore I decided to skip the T2B in the first AMRAP so I didn’t split it open more. The cleans felt heavy but doable and the wall balls definitely fatigued my quads pretty quickly. I ended up getting 3+5 rounds in the first AMRAP and then 3+13 rounds in the second. All of my swings were unbroken but my ball slams were SLOW. The Rxd height for the box jumps was 20” for the ladies but I wasn’t fast enough in grabbing my equipment so I was suck with a 24” box. I actually was excited to get back on the 24”…it had been too long! 

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