Friday, March 9, 2012

Press PR!

CFF WOD: Yesterday we worked up to a new single rep max for shoulder press. I’ve been feeling a little stronger overhead lately so I was really hoping to PR. I put up my old SRM 42kg up fairly easily. So, I went ahead and loaded my bar to 43kg, and it went up without a hitch! I got a little greedy and stuck on one more kilo hoping to PR by 2 but it wasn’t happening. Hey, I’ll take a 1kg PR on my press! It’s been a really long time since I’ve put that kind of weight overhead. J
I decided to practice for the Open 12.3 WOD last night in lieu of the regularly programmed WOD. I did two rounds in 4:30. I completed the first round in 2 minutes and the second round in 2:30. I’m thinking if I continue that pace of adding a few seconds to my time each round I might be able to pull off 7 rounds. Right now that’s the goal. My box jumps and push presses were unbroken but the T2B were rough, 3-2-2-1-1 & 2-2-2-1-1-1. I could really feel these affecting my obliques and psoas. I’m really going to have to warm-up well before Saturday’s WOD! Good luck to everyone competing! 

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