
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Low Energy

CFF WOD’s: Monday we worked one single clean, rested :10 for four reps, and then 15 HEAVY kettle bell swings. I used a 24kg KB for the swings. It was the first time I had ever swung a 24kg and it felt pretty good. For the cleans I used 60kg. My elbows were a little on the slow side today. I’m working on trying to loosen my grip after the pull to get them around quicker. The WOD was 3 rounds of a 250m row, 20 wall balls (14), & 20 KB swings (24kg), rest 2:00. The rows felt pretty good, an all out sprint. The wall balls were atrocious as always, and the swings were broken 10-10 every round. I accidently rested 3:00 the first round because I read the whiteboard wrong. I think I ended up with 16 minutes or so including the rests). Tuesday I completed 4 sets of 6 back squats at 65kg and 5 wall climbs. Those things were almost the death of me. I can get the first 2 done pretty quickly, but from there I really struggle getting full range of motion. I REALLY need to work on my upper body strength and decreasing my weight, which will obviously make body weight movements a little easier. The WOD was a 12:00 AMRAP of 30 double unders, 20yards of walking lunges, and 10 hand release pushups. My double unders were a little rusty. I only got through 2 rounds with them unbroken. My lunges were slow but were done with good form. My pushups were strong through the 4th round, but from there on I lost a little steam. I ended up with 6 rounds + 28 double unders. I was pleased with my score as I moved the entire 12:00 and pushed myself for good form.

Nutrition: Monday night I braised a chuck roast, which turned out delicious! Tuesday night we had skirt steak lettuce wraps. I topped them with grilled peppers and pico de gallo. They were so flavorful! I’ve been having 2 servings of fruit a day. I’m sure that is too much sugar intake but fruit is my security blanket when I’m eating strict. I’ll try next week to reduce the fruit intake. Otherwise, I’ve been eating great, and feeling a lot less bloated. Still don’t really have the energy I’d like and I’m not sure why I’ve been so tired. I’ve been sleeping an average of 8 hours a night…hopefully my energy will come back! 

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