
Monday, April 9, 2012

Rough Week

CrossFit Recap: Tuesday for strength we working toward a new SRM on floor press. I maxed out at 60kg which was a 5kg PR for me in just 5 months! J The WOD was max burpees in 3:00. I tallied up 49 total reps. I hope this WOD comes up again in the future and I can beat that score!
Wednesday was a rest day.
Thursday we did alternating reverse lunges and max kipping pull-ups. I kept the weight light on the lunges as I wanted to work on form. The first round of this strength set I did 10 unbroken pull-ups. My max is 15, so obviously I need to keep working on my pull-ups. The WOD was 4 rounds of 10 T2B, 15 box jumps (20”) and 20 wall ball shots. My time was somewhere around 13 minutes. The T2B were slow, the box jumps were all unbroken each round, and the wall balls SUCKED. I need to push though that mental block I have about wall balls and just get over them!
Friday I woke up super sore from the lunges and the T2B. So, when I saw press and hollow rocks on the board for strength I wasn’t too happy. I completed 4 sets of 6 presses at 32kg, and 20 hollow rocks. The last rep of each movement was KILLER! The WOD was in teams of 3 & we each had to complete 5 rounds of: 20y suicide sprint (5y& back, 10y & back, 15 & back, 20y & back) & then 10 DB or sandbag ground to overhead. I chose to use the sandbag because I don’t care for having DB’s overhead I have a hard time stabilizing them. I ended up only taking out the small filler bag in the sandbag which left my bag weighing 50lbs! It was quite heavy and I really slowed my team down. I’m glad I pushed myself & went heavy on the bags in the end though. My sprints felt good, I busted out of the gates as fast as I could…I was on Shaffer’s heals until the last leg, he pulled ahead by about 10 yds.
I woke up early Saturday to get to Power Hour & work on my snatches. Last time we had a SRM day I fell a little short and I felt it was due to my MAJOR soreness so I wanted to try for a new SRM. I lifted 50kf with no problem, so I loaded up my bar to 53kg. I dropped in a squat and had the bar overhead 3 times, but it was too far out in front and I failed each rep. I need to work on my hamstring flexibility and muscle memory so I can pull my knees back early and get a nice tight bar path. Wide grip deadlifts here I come! J I stuck around for Team Saturday. I was paired with Sammi and we completed 10 rounds of: 10 thrusters (30kg), 10 burpees, & a 300m run. You had to alternate each movement and only one partner could be working at a time. This was a TOUGH metcon, and really showed me how much I need to improve my cardio. My runs were SLOW & quickly fatigued me and started to affect the rest of my movements. We finished third around 24 minutes, I think. I remember shouting to Sammi, “stop running so fast” and to Bill “I hate you.” Yeah, that about sums up this one…L

Nutrition: Zach and I have been eating REALLY clean. I am feeling better and actually woke up with a little more energy than normal today. I’ve been preparing meals consisting of meat and veggies and we’ve had a piece of fruit for dessert. I’m happy with our dedication so far & I know we’re going to keep it up! J I have a great week of meals planned for us already. Check out the pics on facebook…I’ve been posting most of our dinners! 

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