Thursday, July 21, 2011


So yesterday was a pretty busy day for me. I tutored a student of mine in the morning and then coached the 4 & 5pm classes. I stuck around for the 6pm to WOD. We worked on our overhead squats for the strength portion of class. I did three sets of five at 65%-75%-85% of my SRM (56k). After my first set of five I remembered that I’ve been trying to use a narrower grip to reduce the strain on my wrists. So the last two sets I used the narrow grip and felt a lot more confident in those lifts. The WOD was a 12:00 AMRAP of 3 power snatches (40k), 6 toes to bar, and 9 ring dips. The goal was to get between 6-8 rounds. Many of the girls who scaled back the weight in the morning classes didn’t even hit the goal, so I was a little apprehensive of going rx’d and finishing 6-8 rounds. My hand was still torn from the previous day so I decided to WOD with gloves since there was no tape at the fort. 
The snatches felt incredibly heavy. Mid-WOD Bill reminded me I needed to deadlift the bar off the ground before I pull…typical flaw of mine, but I’m glad he pointed it out so I could fix it for the remainder of the time. The gloves were loose and slipping on my T2B, so they were PAINFULLY slow. I used a purple assistance band for the ring dips and to my surprise they felt a lot stronger than they had in the past. I only ended up with 5 rounds plus 4 reps (3 snatches & 1 T2B). I think I could have gotten one more round in if I would ever learn the kip for T2B… : /

Today I woke up and headed to the fort to coach the 8 & 9am classes. Some of the 9am-ers hung around and worked on their bench press. I ended up jumping in on their rack and put up a PR of 50k. That was good enough for 3rd place on the record board, so I was happy. I miss seeing floor press in our strength; I think I might continue to work on this lift outside of class since we don’t see it much in the programming. I ended up WODing alone today after the group of 9am-ers left. The strength today was focused on presses for speed. I did 3 reps at 50% of my SRM (21k) on the minute for 8:00. The weight seemed super light, I was able to knock these out in just a couple of seconds each round. The WOD consisted of a 400m run, 300
double-unders, and another 400m run. I knew this one was going to be tough. It was real hot outside (and in the fort), the air was thick, and I was already soaked with sweat before I even started. My first run was slow, right at 2:00.
My double-unders really took a lot out of me today. It took a good 2 minutes to finish the first set of 100. From there I focused on getting sets of 15. Once I hit 200 I was praying to keep with sets of 10. This part of the WOD was sluggish and agonizing. My last 400m run was pathetic, I was exhausted and completely out of breath. I managed to finish this WOD in 13:08. There was no goal time but I went in hoping for sub 12. Not quite the finish I was hoping for. L After I finally caught my breath I jumped on the rings and did 6 sets of three ring dips on ½ a purple band. Then I worked in three sets of three dead hang pull-ups on the blue band. Gotta keep chipping away at those weaknesses!

Once I got home, ate, and showered I sat down and started focusing on my goals. I finally finalized them. Well…here they are:

CrossFit Goals July 2011
  •  Unassisted ring dips
  • Unassisted handstand push-ups
  • Dead hang pull-up without a band
  • Work on a weakness every day after class
  • Get down & stay at 150lbs
  • Be more mentally tough
  • Believe in myself
  • CrossFit for ME! J
It is excruciatingly clear I need to improve on body weight movements; therefore ring dips, HSPU, and pullups easily made my list of goals. Additionally, my weight has been a constant issue since I was 18. It seems like it’s going to be a never ending battle but I’m hoping I can start to manage it a little better. Plus, at a lighter weight those body weight movements will be a little easier (duh!). The last three goals I set for myself are VERY important to me. I know they are hard to measure but I feel like I need to hold myself accountable for staying positive, pushing myself, and coming to the gym for me. I am a pleaser and I tend to do things for other people. It is time for me to find out what I want from CrossFit. Do I really want to be a competitor? If that is the case there are MANY changes I need to start making to my lifestyle. Hopefully I will make this decision soon and get on track…

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