Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2: Down 3lbs

So I've lost 3 pounds since yesterday. This didn’t surprise me because I feel like I’m starving myself. Day two is almost over and I’ve only been able to choke down 8oz of vanilla skinny hippo when I'm suppose to be consuming 24oz. I have been EXTREMELY nauseous and exhausted. Zach and I took Murphy for a pretty long walk today and at one point Zach had to link arms with me to help keep me moving. I laid around on the couch for a few hours and then it hit me…I spent a half hour in the bathroom with an upset stomach L. I had to head to the fort though because I was scheduled to coach.  Zach nicely offered to take the 6pm class for me since I wasn’t feeling well. So, I headed to the gym to just coach the 5pm so he could WOD. While coaching some of the nausea passed, I think it’s because the digestive enzyme started working. I decided to go ahead and WOD at the 6pm since the rest of my week is pretty busy and I wouldn’t get back to the fort to WOD again until Thursday. As soon as I made up my mind about working out, I set a goal to do the listed strength and the workout Rx’d to test out how my back was feeling. I completed the strength (clean & jerk – focusing on speed and technique) with absolutely NO pain. I didn’t push it and just stayed around 85% of my SRM (55kg)  and they felt good. 
The WOD was one round of:
3:00 hang power cleans (40kg)
3:00 rest
3:00 Russian KB Swings (16#)
3:00 rest, 3:00 row (cals)
I completed 30 cleans, 100 swings, and 42 calories on the rower for a total of 172 reps/cals. For this being my first Rx’d WOD in a LONG time I was happy with the outcome and am actually feeling pretty good. My back typically has a delay in pain so we'll see how I feel tomorrow...
I have no desire to drink another shake (however, when I was giving Murphy a peanut butter dog treat I was quite tempted…) so I’m just going to hit they hay after writing this post. Good night, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for my stomach J. 

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