Zach and I are sitting on the couch currently watching "Diners Drive-ins and Dives." I'm pretty sure we are just TORTURING ourselves. We've been on one heck of a bender and just cutting it off cold turkey makes ALL of that greasy carb-ridden food look THAT much tastier. I'll just keep repeating "I love thick overly sweet shakes, I love thick overly sweet shakes. No I don't want any solid food, No I don't want any solid food." Oh boy...here goes nothing!
So there is 5 weeks until the CrossFit Open begins. I wish I was more excited about this countdown but to be honest I don’t think I’ll be ready this year. My back has been injured since the Open last year (I had a bulging disc – L4) and it just hasn’t calmed down. I’ve been working in Physical Therapy and seeing a chiropractor but only seeing slight progress. I haven’t completed a WOD Rx’d since before Thanksgiving because I have been restricted from movements that cause impact. Slowly I have been able to add a few movements back to my workouts. If I can continue at this rate I hope I will be “released” by the end of January. This would be just in time for me to give the Open WOD’s a shot.
Good luck Steph, I know how you feel. I actually gained a gazillion lbs, and on top of that, decided to hold off CrossFit for a while till my shoulder gets better because everything practically has shoulder work and it drives me crazy that I can't do them like I used to. I am going to see an acupuncturist one of these days when I can coordinate it, as I know it will help. I too need to get back on track and kill all carbs/sugars from my diet. Easier said then done. Atleast you have skinny hippo. Here's wishing luck/strength and will-power to looking better naked.
ReplyDeleteSeara, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm sorry to hear you're taking time off of CF, I'm sure it's hard. I know just scaling the last 2 months has been tough. Good luck with your shoulder and I wish you a full recovery! We'll both get back on track...I know it! :-)